Friday, November 30, 2007


it's been a while since i last dropped by here,
aside from being busy (work), the PC crashed again because it wasn't 'properly shut down'..enwei i just missed doing this...writing...typing stuffs that basically pops out of my sometimes-tired and super-worried mind...

waaaah! tons of things happened and i can't believe that i wasn't able to write it down...oh where am i leading u? i have no topic to discuss ryt now, nothing in's just that - how am i gonna say this? hmmmm...hmmmm...sigh

i'll be reporting from 7pm - 7am this coming Wednesday to Friday - plans to stayback on Saturday for the Family Day (volunteer) and will go back to work on Monday eve..goodluck =]


i'll try to write my observations: school vs. work when i have the time...hopefully, soon!